






Global Logistics Building Cultural Bridges

Now at the time of the 21 century as degitalization, thru the technical innovation by internet, mobile terminal etc, including the entertainment such as game, movie, music, now anyone at anywhere can enjoy it in the life simply, easy speedy and convenient very quickly.

H'ever, as the time is such above, we think importance of the 'THING' is very important which degitalizationcan not make it. All the something the shape is must be made by human one and this makes anyone enjoyable and happy. Those 'THING' created is the shape of the culture itself and evidence of Humanity in the world.

The wish that all those somethings a heart is included to be delivered to all the people in the world and that the one which has value becomes in its hand is the wish of all the mankind.

We believe that this is the common wish of mankind worldwide through out all the times and our goal is that we present our service not only speedy and low cost but to serve with relief and safety to transport something important.

We, SOJ, aim that we contribute to build up "Cultural Bridge" to all the people of the earth thru our highly qualified International logistical service for the sake of world cultural development.



2024/02/22 レンタルギャラリー & シェアショールーム「黎(パルティーダ)」をオープンしました。

2023/07/19 自社ビル「SOJビル」を取得し、東京オフィスをオープンしました。

2018/10/01 本社を新事務所に移転しました。

2018/04/06 第二種貨物利用運送事業の認可を取得しました。

2018/03/19 新事務所を開設、営業を開始しました。

2018/03/01 一般社団法人 国際フレイトフォワーダーズ協会(JIFFA)に正会員として入会しました。

2017/08/14 ホームページをリニューアルしました。